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The Better Life Awareness Blog

Tips, practices, and teachings for living a happier, more awakened life.
Learn to handle painful emotions and destructive beliefs in a mindful, healthy way.


Why is everyone into gratitude: 10 critical benefits and 13 easy practices that really work. awareness better life better life tips coaching habits happiness meditation mindfulness relationships suffering Nov 27, 2019

(By Eldad Ben-Moshe)

Loved ones


Anger, frustration, depression, stress, anxiety…

Not exactly what comes to mind when you’re thinking about gratitude and giving thanks, is it?

More to the point, it’s the opposite of what gratitude feels like.
It’s the opposite of...

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Love's forgiveness Vs. the ego's forgiveness:
Forgiveness as a practice for a happier, better life.
awareness better life course in miracles mindfulness online courses relationships Oct 09, 2019

(By Eldad Ben-Moshe)


Hey there Better Lifers!


We all want to live a happier, better life.

Done right, forgiveness is one of the most effective (and heart-opening,
things we can do for that.

Done wrong, it will only strengthen our suffering - at least in the long...

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You can be right or you can be happy -
why we love being right
(and what’s the price we pay for that)
awareness b-air better life better life tips coaching course in miracles happiness meditation mindfulness relationships suffering Sep 18, 2019

(By Eldad Ben-Moshe Reading Time: 5 minutes)

Loved ones

You know that the woman is always right, right?

And you know that men don’t really believe in that, right?

So what happens when I believe I’m right, and my wife thinks she’s right?

Of course, this is valid for...

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