Become Your Legend™ Coaching:
Transcend the bounds of conventional coaching - join the revolutionary way to transform your life.
Real change IS possible.
Hi, I'm Eldad.
I'm known for helping busy, successful executives & entrepreneurs overcome personal and professional crises that destroys their lives and joy of being so that they can finally enjoy their success now - not 'someday', and elevating limitless leaders into living legends.
Together, you and I achieve that through my unique system: Holistic EMS coaching™ (EMS= Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual), that helps you overcome fear, stress, anger, guilt, shame, painful emotions, sabotaging habits, and destructive beliefs.
Personal & professional development EMS coaching™ helps executives & entrepreneurs cultivate Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual mastery, establish and maintain healthy habits, make better decisions, and live the happier, better life they want and deserve.
It combines psychological & spiritual awakening to achieve real, long-term, personal & professional growth, overcome personal and professional life crises, and build iron-strong emotional & mental resilience.

Natalie Pinnell,
Founder - Vida Virtual Support
"In just a few short weeks of working with Eldad I felt like an entirely different person.
So much personal growth and awareness and I am living a much more balanced and centered existence.
I feel resilient and equipped to handle what life throws at me.
Eldad creates a powerful safe space full of compassion and incredible insight and gives you lifelong tools to help support you in creating the life you want to live. "

Goga Brelih,
Founder and Managing Director at Leverage the Energies
"To sign up for coaching with Better Life Awareness was one of the best decisions and investments in my growth and expansion in 2020.
Eldad is a very professional coach, an expert in the field with great intuition."

Simcha Schwartz,
Director of Development, Wilderness Torah
"Eldad is a fantastic, intuitive and experienced coach,
who offered me and others in my organization professional and compassionate coaching."
Limited seats available!
In 2 simple steps:
100% free, no-obligation, no strings attached consultation call ($225 value).
Seats really are limited as Eldad's time is limited.
Step 1:
Choose Your Time and Date Here
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Life is a crazy ride...
Sometimes it's fantastic and fun, but there are also countless moments of suffering, stress, fear, disappointment, anger, frustration, guilt, shame, anxiety, and on and on it goes... infinite forms of suffering.
So much so, that The Buddha's most famous words are "life is suffering."
Studying the causes of suffering reveals why and how we suffer, and, most importantly - how to deal better with life's challenges, suffer less, be happier, and Live a Better Life.
I've been doing that since 2003 - studying and practicing methods from the East and the West, and I've seen both my internal and external life transform completely.
Now I'm here to share with you my favorite paths, and the most useful tips, tricks, insights, and practices that I have found - the sharpest sword that cuts through suffering, and the most effective "Judo Moves" that help you grab the pain, throw it upside down and transform it from your most feared enemy to your best teacher.
Combined together, the sword and the judo moves lead to a better, happier, more meaningful, and rewarding life.
You deserve that too. You can do it too, as I did. And you don't have to do it alone.
Join me, master proven methods that will change your life, get all the help and support you need, and live the happier, better, more awakened life you want and deserve.
My methods
6 modalities for your better life:
Your extensive toolbox for a better life -
Because you can't build a house with just a hammer...
1. The Enneagram:
Transform your life by understanding your personality, strengths, and challenges in life -
and how we relate to ourselves, others, and our world.
What's your personality type?
Where does it give you super-powers, and where is it sabotaging your life?
Why is that happening, and how to have more of the super-powers and less of the problems it creates?
The Enneagram is a dynamic, accurate, powerful model of the human psyche and personality.
It describes nine types that arise from 9 points of view / core beliefs about the world, yourself & others,
and about how to survive and thrive in the world.
Each point of view gives birth to an entire personality, which is the way we deal with the world, or in other words - our defense mechanism.
Nine strategies of how to survive and thrive in this world.
Nine lenses that color everything you experience, feel, think, and see all of your life.
The Enneagram is a journey of self-discovery that helps you transform your life.
It's super practical, accurate, exciting, fun, and absolutely life-changing.
It's such a transformational tool that - properly used - it succeeds in changing lives where other means fail, because once you understand how and when your safety mechanism actually brings danger, and your love attempts, the things you do to try and get love - keep people away from you, you'll start making other choices and you'll get different results in your life.
2. The Fear-Crushing System™ (FCS):
Finally - a clear, proven, predictable path to results.
See exactly how people just like you, who are successful, driven high-achievers, are using this system to quickly overcome the guilt, shame, fear, stress, and anxiety that come from choosing their careers over their loved ones (yes, I said it!),
so they can keep crushing it at work,
but also love their families and themselves more fully,
stop missing out on special moments and developing terrible lifestyle habits,
and be done with feeling like a bad parent/partner who neglects their family and their own well-being.
This is the clearest and most predictable, proven system for anyone serious about doing what it takes to overcome guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, and stress.
This unique, world-class system helps successful, driven high-achievers who have neglected themselves and their families due to their demanding careers and drive for success, to finally manage the constant conflict between their drive for success + demanding career,
and between all the other important and good things in life that they want to do but are missing out on, so they can finally thrive & enjoy their success like they always wanted to now - not "some day."
Unique opportunity available now:
Work directly with me to map your 120-day fear, guilt, anger, stress & shame crushing plan - free!
3. B-AIR™:
"A mind saver in all situations."
Learn to master the sword of fearless, direct inquiry to overcome suffering & destructive beliefs.
Use this exceptional method to relieve painful emotions, overcome fear, shame, guilt, anger & destructive beliefs, and stop creating unnecessary suffering in your life in 4 simple steps.
Proven to bring extreme, consistent changes for my clients and me in the hardest of times, users named this "a mind saver in all situations."
If I had to name 1 method that helped me overcome my most challenging times, the B-AIR system would be the one.
4. Meditation, yoga, nutrition, and physical exercise for clarity, resilience, and quieting the mind:
Practices for your body, mind, and soul help you build the solid foundation that you must have to deal with this fast, full-of-events, demanding world.
There are many other forms of practice that are added to this list when I work with people (e.g. dancing, nature hikes, listening to music, etc.) as different people benefit from different practices.
While I use proven, successful frameworks as the universal overarching themes, within those frameworks I then craft a highly individualized coaching plan that is individually tailored to each person's patterns and inclinations.
5. A Course in Miracles:
When spirituality meets psychology.
ACIM is a psychological & spiritual course for spiritual and psychological awakening, inner peace, and experiencing Love and oneness.
Despite what its name might initially sound like, A Course in Miracles is not about performing 'miracles,' 'manifesting your reality,' etc.
In fact, it's the opposite of that: it's a profound psychological & spiritual course that helps us wake up from the dream, rather than change it.
Being a psychological course on top of a spiritual one, A Course in Miracle also dives into the dynamics of our ego mind and helps you deal with your pain and suffering until you wake up.
One of the main benefits of that is that when understood correctly, ACIM supports your spiritual awakening while avoiding the 'spiritual bypass' and denial of your current experience that is so common amongst so many of the spiritual (and seemingly spiritual) paths.
A Course in Miracles is a very practical course; Alongside an impressive, profound, and transformational theoretical framework ("The Text" part of the course), it offers 365 daily exercises in its Workbook.
6. The Pyramid of Crisis Transformation™:
Based on a true story (and many years of experience)...
This modality came to me as I reflected on my journey of overcoming a massive life crisis.
Since then, it's been "tested" on my coaching clients, always successfully;
And when consulting with professionals, the responses were not any less enthusiastic.
As for the basics of the modality itself, well, as they say -
one diagram is worth more than 1,000 words...
But even more important than the specific tools are the overarching, timeless core principles that make them work:
My core principles
The 9 pillars for transformation:
#1. Results over excuses,
Truth over stories,
Actions over words.
Yes, life can be hard, and many things happen. And yet, don't let that be in your way to success.
Despite all hardships, as real as they are, at the end of the day you can have excuses or results - but never both.
There's plenty of room for compassion, and you'll see in the testimonials I get that I'm an expert at that.
But at the same time, I'm also an expert at getting you beyond excuses, stories, and words and into results, actions, and truth - because that's the only way to achieve real transformation and greatness.
Learn more ➝
#2. Radical honesty, Extreme ownership, & Total response-ability
We all have stories about what ___ did to us, how life was unfair, and on and on it goes.
Is there truth in those stories? Many times there is.
But with years of experience in overcoming my own tribulations and helping others do the same, I promise you this:
You'll never grow up, and will never be really happy, without Radical honesty, Extreme ownership, & Total response-ability
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#3. Spiritual AND psychological awakening.
The combination of psychological and spiritual awakening is the most powerful path for profound, authentic, long-lasting change:
Working on only one of them is like trying to fly with one wing.
Working on none of them is not an option if you truly want a happier, better life.
This does not mean you'll meditate in a cave all day (or at all...). Exactly how much spirituality, and what kind, will be tailored to your measures as we work together.
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#4. Discover your true nature through fearless direct inquiry & quieting your mind.
While all humans are the same in some ways, we certainly have many differences too.
For example, advice that would be perfect for an Enneagram type 8 would be terrible for a type 9; Type 7 would only worsen their trouble if they followed my advice to a type 1.
No one will ever be able to do your work for you - it's your job to find your true nature, and do the work that best serves you as you are.
Through fearless direct inquiry (e.g., B-AIR™), a map of your personality (the Enneagram), spiritual & psychological timeless overarching truths, and quieting your mind, you can discover your true nature and forge your path to a happier, better, more awakened life.
Use YOUR gifts, and avoid YOUR traps.
We share some things, but we're not the same!
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#5. Choose (from) Love, not fear.
When you look at your motivations (and you should!), you'll see that everything in life is a choice between Love and fear.
When you look at the results of your choices (and you should...), you'll see that no matter what happens externally, choosing fear makes you live in fear, and choosing Love makes you expand, free and happy.
Learn more ➝
#6. Iron-strong personal foundations & a clear, proven, highly-individualized plan (built on timeless universal principles.)
Practices for your body, mind, and soul help you build the solid foundation that you must have to deal with this fast, full-of-events, demanding world.
There are many other forms of practice that I use when I work with people, as different people benefit from different practices.
While I use proven, successful frameworks as the universal overarching themes, within those frameworks I then craft a highly individualized coaching plan that is individually tailored to each person's patterns and inclinations.
But whatever practices are best for you, it is your strong daily foundations that will be your anchor when the sea of life gets into turmoil (again..), saving you from drowning or drifting far away from where you want to be.
Recurring daily & weekly practices and reminders are what keep you on track when your mind wants to wander away, run after the next new shiny object, rebel, or choose from fear. And in case you didn't notice... It wants to do it ALL. THE. TIME.
That's why profound, long-lasting change is so hard.
Unless you have a clear, proven, highly individualized plan that is built upon timeless universal principles, AND personal iron-strong foundations.
And while plans and intentions are crucial and important, without a rock-solid anchor?
You have no chance of making a real, profound, long-lasting change in your life.
Especially in these fast, eventful, demanding times.
And even more so as a hard-working, driven high achiever.
Learn more ➝
#7. Clarity + Laser focus + Immediate implementation + Ruthless commitment = BIG changes.
Clarity: You can't progress when you want to walk both right and left at the same time, or stand still - confused and unclear about your next step.
Laser focus: You can't move far if you are easily distracted, doing 1,000 things simultaneously, or even thinking of other things - instead of focusing on what you must do right now.
Immediate implementation: I'm sure you've been there many times before. You heard great advice or had a beautiful moment of inspiration, felt in your body and soul that you must do this, and waited - even just a little bit... And lost momentum. You never did it, or you approached it too late, when you weren't as excited, and gave it just a feeble, weak attempt. That's not how you get big results.
Ruthless commitment: Life is A LOT. If you're not committed to overcoming difficulties, to be persistent, to do what you must... Keep trying to "manifest" changes. This path is not for you. It is a grounded path that involves deep, serious, hard (but fun and rewarding) work over time.
That's how you get BIG results.
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#8. Learn -> Practice -> Experience -> Transform™.
Being devoted to spiritual and psychological growth from 2003, and diving into many different paths from the East and the West (especially in the first 10 years or so; since then, I've been more interested in diving deeper into some specific paths), I found a pattern in practically all paths that showed me substantial results:
Learn -> Practice -> Experience -> Transform™.
While the form of each step might change, they are all based on this modality, but never naming it.
So I'm doing it for them, to give you more clarity on your path.
Better yet, I'm also giving you the tools to do that, combining teaching and coaching into a cohesive, consistent, clear path that brings results (and that's where I stop talking and let my clients' testimonials do the work...)
Learn more ➝
#9. Don't go through it alone.
As a person who overcame 2 major, life-threatening depressions, an abusive relationship, suicidal ideation, a tough divorce while living in a foreign land, and many more hardships, I can say this with 100% certainty:
Whatever you do, whichever path you choose, whatever you are going through - DON'T GO THROUGH IT ALONE.
This is not about choosing to work with me. Work with anyone that feels right for you.
But whatever you do - don't go through your hard times alone.
Learn more ➝
Together, these tools & principles create the Holistic EMS Coaching™ system.
The Holistic EMS Coaching™ system (EMS = Emotional, Mental, & Spiritual coaching) is the one method that combines all these tools, principles and critical aspects of your personal and professional life.
With this clear, proven point A to point B path that doesn't focus on just 1 modality or one part of your life, you can finally achieve the profound, long-lasting changes you want to see in your personal and professional life.
Limited seats available!
In 2 simple steps:
100% free, no-obligation, no strings attached consultation call ($225 value).
Seats really are limited as Eldad's time is limited.
Step 1:
Choose Your Time and Date Here
(The calendar might take a few seconds to load, depending on your connection.
If you don't see it, click here.)

Mallory McClelland,
The Now Age Mom, INC.
"Between his in-depth questionnaires that made me think and his wonderful coaching sessions, Eldad was able to help me type myself.
Once I discovered I was most definitely a type 4 a lot opened up for me!
I was able to see myself not as a failure or broken, but instead see that I was either in a healthy or unhealthy state.
I also learned that some of my patterns were very normal for type 4's and that helped me neutralize negative beliefs around that.
I love working with Eldad so much because he creates a safe and honest space where you can truly let go and receive guidance.
Thank you Eldad! "

Sarah Thomas
"I am honestly amazed at how much I have learned about myself!
It has been very revealing to uncover negative thought patterns which have been leading to anxiety and unhappiness.
I am very grateful for the peace it has brought me to shine a light on these ideas and to learn that there is nothing to be afraid of.
Eldad is very gifted at gently guiding you to uncover for yourself the possible roots of your own unhappiness.
He then teaches you how to unlock rigid thought patterns and ideas in order to find inner peace and happiness.
I can think of no better guide for the process - with laughs, smiles and kindness, I am very grateful for Eldad’s coaching and the peace these lessons continue to bring me."
D. Maren,
Musician and Educator
"Eldad is a compassionate guide. His analysis of the Enneagram helped me understand myself and my husband more than years of therapy. "

Miriam Kanani,
"I was able to discover deep insights about my Enneagram type, my subconscious programming, and my ego.
I walked away with many tools in my toolkit of truly understanding how I operate in the world and how I can I be less reactive and more empathic.
I found Eldad's coaching to be direct, powerful, and insightful.
He is a great listener, and an organized facilitator.
I would highly recommend his services to all looking to understand themselves on a deeper level! "
Real change IS possible -
see what our clients are saying:

Patricia Keeler,
Somatic Coach, Empowered Sensitivity
"When I began working with Eldad, I knew I had hit the jackpot.
As a coach myself, I have received assistance from a wide variety of individuals with varying levels of skill.
Eldad is the real deal.
His understanding of and blended approach in using A Course in Miracles, the Enneagram, and business foundations is a rare delight.
He is very intuitive at pushing to the exact extent that is truly helpful.
His work will help anyone who is looking for practical grounded tools that can help them move forward to a place of deep satisfaction in their personal and professional lives.
Working with Eldad has been a GREAT decision ~ and I do not hesitate for one moment to wholeheartedly recommend his coaching and classes."

Christina Vagle,
Christina Vagle LLC
"I learned so much about myself in my sessions with Eldad and feel like I grew so much.
Growth and change can be scary, but Eldad is there to hold your hand as you push past the uncomfortable. He challenges you to really look at yourself and the stories you may tell yourself, without judgment or fear.
I am grateful for this experience! Thank you, Eldad!"