Join now

How would you like to join our ACIM Membership program...

For just $4/Month + protection from price going up?!









New Miracles Every Month!

Get clarity on new questions and topics every month, and open your heart with miraculous meditations, with your miracles-on-demand video library!

It's all about getting your questions, needs and interests answered.

🔥 Special opportunity happening now:

Become a founding member of the Better Life Miracles membership club for only $4/month + protection from price going up!

(scroll down for more details).



Your miracles-on-demand video library with new in-depth videos added every month! 🔥 

Get ready for 1-2 hours of incredible content/month, f
or example: 


  • Questions-and-Answers sessions.
  • In-depth topic exploration (an 8 videos, over 9 hours series about Healing & Sickness, for example).
  • Workbook lessons explained.
  • Interviews with interesting people about ACIM, growth, and spirituality.
  • Tips for better practice.

 And more... and more... and more 🎉


Heart-opening, soul-expanding meditations.

✨Special bonus meditations are constantly added to your on-demand library.

💖 The meditations are from ACIM materials that I hand-pick myself, with soothing music in the background, and guided with my peaceful voice so loved by our students.
They are available online and offline as they are downloadable to your computer, laptop and phone.
There's also a music-less version of each meditation if you prefer that.

And with our mobile app, it's super convenient to take them with you to your favorite park, river, or mountain, to your meditation spot, and even to bed (#lifehack: falling asleep with a mind immersed in sweet, deep meditation).




All you need in one place (and a search engine too). 

Say goodbye to searching where those old videos you once saw are... Now you got it all in 
your own on-demand library, ready for you whenever you are, with all videos highly organized.

You'll even have a search engine to help you easily find any video and make all that great content even more accessible.

Everything is well organized and easy to find in this on-demand library - as a great library should be!



Access with ease and comfort from anywhere with our free mobile app. 

Say goodbye to not-so-mobile-friendly web browsers... (e
ver tried watching an online course with your phone?)

Like all our online courses and membership plans, our top-of-the-class mobile app lets you watch anything, anywhere - and really enjoy it!


You'll be asked what YOU want me to create the content about! 

It's all about you and for you - I want to make sure the content I deliver is exactly what you want and need!


Access to our private, safe, exclusive community of students and practitioners of A Course in Miracles.

Interactions, community, and deepening of knowledge and practices -

The path to spiritual and psychological awakening is so much better when done with the right people by your side (Value: Priceless!) 


Founding members special: Keep this price for life!

As long as you're still a member - you'll get to keep your special introductory price even as the price goes up... and up... and up.

Yes, I Want Instant Access now, Please.
Just $4/Month + protection from price going up!

What would it be like if you:


  • Had an on-demand library of high-quality ACIM videos made by an ACIM expert with searchable notes.
  • Received new incredible ACIM content every month; and
  • Received bonus ACIM heart-opening and soul-elevating meditations; 
  • Didn't need to search for info, insights, and answers about ACIM, and wonder whether your findings are reliable and accurate.
  • Joined a growing community of like-minded ACIM students.
  • Could access everything easily, anytime, from any device.
  • Had an on-demand library of engaging, fascinating, inspiring, educating, and practical ACIM videos.

Hi, I'm Eldad

My personal journey with the A Course in Miracles started in 2005. 

Since then, I’ve been studying, practicing, and teaching the course.
I’ve also been using the course as one of the main tools in my thriving coaching practice.

And throughout these many years i
n which the course is so dominant in my life, 

I’ve seen many people desiring clarity, guidance, and resources 
to help them with their journey with the course.

Because while A course in Miracles is an amazing course,
which transformed many lives, including my own?

It also has over 1600 pages,
some of them are written in a hard-to-understand manner.

And The fact that it uses metaphors and symbols,
and speaks to different levels of our experience and our consciousness interchangeably…

Doesn't make it easier to always understand the course’s guidance and teachings.


Let's be honest:
A Course in Miracles is totally incredible -
but sometimes hard to understand...


But what if you had a reliable source that you can trust,
that will be looking forward to hearing what YOUR questions are,
and give YOU detailed answers that you can actually trust?

How much time, confusion, mistakes & doubt will you be eliminating?

How many mistaken decisions will be saved from you?

How wonderful would such a resource be for you?


If this is music to your ears… 

If you think that this would be a great resource for you to own…


Know that you’re in the right place, my friend.

The Better Life Miracles Membership Club is all about you -
And for you.


It's all about getting your questions, needs, and interests answered.

And I didn’t even mention the private, safe community
of like-minded students and practitioners that is included with this membership…


And what if your trusted teacher was also a coach with tons of proof of changing people's lives?

How great would his content be?

How great would Q&A sessions with him be?

Efrat Sar-Shalom

World-renowned A Course in Miracles teacher,
World peace activist,
And the head of the Course in Miracles Community in Israel.

"In his love, in the wisdom of heaven which he has, in his deep connection to high listening, Eldad knows the course and the truth.

A student of the course is asked to be well acquainted with the theoretical part, and more importantly, to demonstrate the teachings in his life. Wonderful Eldad teaches the course by demonstration in his life and teaching.

He is a huge blessing to anyone who wants to go on a deep inner journey and fly high to heaven.

 Great gratitude to you Eldad, Messenger of God on earth."

Stuart Hartley, ACIM student of 25 years


"A visit to the Better Awareness Centre website will reveal a comprehensive availability of a very interesting, informative, helpful, well maintained, supported, practical and educational opportunity for students of ACIM. Eldad's ongoing, personal and joyful support and involvement is a welcome bonus."


Sounds great! Where do I join?

It's so simple! 

 Choose your preferred option and you're in!


But first… Who is this not for?


This is NOT for you if:

  •  You have no interest in spiritual and/or psychological growth and awakening.
  •  You already “know everything” there is to know about A Course in Miracles. Seriously, this is really not for you. (And no, I do not know everything myself).
  •  You are taking A Course in miracles in a very “religious” manner. It’s fine, but this membership and this community will not be the right fit for you.
  •  You are fighting and arguing with people online and in person, and you must always be ‘right.’ Don’t even bother trying. You’ll be kicked out of our community before you know it. With all due love and respect, this is a safe community for our members, and we will keep it that way.
  •  You know enough about Kennet Wapnick’s approach to A Course in Miracles to know that you totally disagree with him, and nothing can change your mind.
  •  You only want to take advantage of our money-back guarantee, and you’re not really interested in spiritual and/or psychological teachings and practices that will help you transform your life. This membership is for people who really want to deepen their understanding and practices and live a happier, better, more awakened life.


And who is this for?


This IS for you if:

  •  You are curious to know what A Course in Miracles is all about and how it has been winning the hearts and minds of millions of people around the world for over 44 years.
  •  You are already studying and practicing A Course in Miracles but want to understand it more profoundly.
  •  You used to study and practice the course but stopped, and want to go back to it (it is such a lovely course… many yearn to start again and all they need is the right opportunity!).
  •  You are teaching A Course in Miracles or using it as a therapist or a coach, and want to deep dive into its main messages and concepts to teach them even better.
  •  You want a safe, loving, supportive, private community to walk the path with.
  •  You are studying and practicing any spiritual or psychological path, and A Course in Miracles got you curious as well.
  •  You've heard about A Course in Miracles for a while now and think maybe this is a good chance for you to learn more about it )it is!).
  •  The thought of new ACIM videos every month makes you happy 😊
  •  The thought of ACIM meditations makes your heart sing 💖

What's ALREADY waiting for you in the Membership Club?

🔥 The 8 videos, over 9 hours series about "Sickness and Healing according to ACIM"

❓ Q&A sessions.

📢 Workbook's lesson 79 - "Let Me Recognize The Problem So It Can Be Solved" - What is the ONE problem? And what is the ONE solution?

👉 Workbook's lesson 64 - "Let Me Not Forget My Function" - What is our function?

🌈 Zen, Buddhism, Religion & ACIM: An interview with a special guest.

😱 The world's first-ever interview with an orthodox Jewish Rabbi about A Course in Miracles!

💖 Heart opening, soul-expanding ACIM meditations.

... And so much more!


But don't worry!

I know the #1 reason for people leaving memberships is... overwhelm. Yep - too much content.

So I'll be dripping the content to you strategically and gently, with kind reminders every time new content becomes available.

A free mobile app

Take this course with you anywhere you go and enjoy it from the comfort of your couch, bed, or your favorite meditation spot. 

Say goodbye to those shabby, uncomfortable, not-really-mobile-friendly websites, and really enjoy watching and listening to this course from anywhere you want.

The Better Life Community!

The importance of a good, supportive community  of like-minded students and practitioners is emphasized in almost every tradition, from both the East and the West.

With this membership you get access to 3 private, safe, and exclusive community groups that are open only to paying students of the Better Life Awareness Center:

1 Facebook group;

And 2 more groups in our exclusive non-Facebook, off-social-media Better Life Community!

Each and every bonus I'll ever offer in any future launch of the Better Life Miracles Membership Club!

I always remember my earlier adopters. So whatever bonuses I'll ever offer - you'll get them too.

Let's Recap (and add bonuses!)

- Here's what you're getting when you enroll today:


Full-year access to the Better Life Miracles Membership Club + Bonuses:


  • Incredible new ACIM video content every month.
  • Your private VOD library of high-quality ACIM content.
  • Heart-opening, soul-expanding meditations.
  • All you need in one place (and a search engine too). 
  • Downloadable slides to help you learn visually as well.
  • Downloadable mp3s (audio files) of all the videos and the meditations. Download them to your phone, laptop, and tablet and enjoy them even when you have no internet connection
  • Free online version of the ACIM book to check and deep-dive into any quote I mention.
  • Bonus #1: Private safe Facebook community with daily posts ($250 value).
  • NEW! Bonus #2: Private safe Non-Facebook community: 2 groups - The A Course in Miracles group ($500 value) and another group dedicated to the membership and the Live Gatherings programs ($500/year value).
  • Bonus #3: Daily Miracles - daily acim inspirational quote + link to the full text sent to your inbox ($365/year value -included for free).
  • Founding members special: Keep this price for life(!) - even as the price goes up... and up... and up.
  • 100% safe, hassle-free, no fine print 60-day money-back guarantee (Priceless!)
  • Free Mobile App (Priceless!)
  • Each and every bonus I'll ever offer in any future launch of the Better Life Miracles Membership Club (Priceless!)

Total Value for the Membership Club:

  • $1,562/year ($130/month) 
  • + $750 (one time)
  • + 3 priceless items: No B.S. Guarantee, mobile app, and future bonuses



🔥 Special Founding Members Update:

But that’s not what you’ll invest today!


While most memberships cost anywhere from $49-$299/MONTH...

And I could easily ask for that too...

Because right now I'd like to grow our mighty community, I decided to give you - for a limited time only - a huuuuuge discount on all that goodness.

When you join this Membership Club today, your investment is only $49/month YEAR - but only as long as this special promo lasts!

That's a 95% discount each year for the full program + all the bonuses, and you even get to have our 100% safe money-back guarantee.


You read right!

For the price of 1 coffee cup a month ($4/month, billed annually), you'll get the full program + all the bonuses!

I grow the Better Life Awareness Center community, and you’re getting a huge discount!
It's the perfect win-win situation… but only while this special promo lasts!



OMG! This is so awesome.

Where can I join?

It's so simple! 

 Choose your preferred option, and you're in!


🔥 Founding Members Special:

Only $49/monthYEAR!

That's only $4/month billed annually.
A cup of coffee a month...

  • New in-depth videos every month! 🔥
  • Your miracles-on-demand A Course in Miracles video library.
  • Heart-opening, soul-expanding meditations.
  • You'll be asked what YOU would want me to create the content about.
  • Dripped content to avoid overwhelm.
  • Downloadable slides. 
  • Downloadable mp3s (audio files) of all the videos and the meditations - enjoy them even when you have no internet connection. 
  • Free online version of the ACIM book to check and deep-dive into any quote I mention.
  • Access with ease and comfort from anywhere with our free mobile app. 
  • Bonus #1: Private safe Facebook community with daily posts ($250 value).
  • NEW! Bonus #2: Private safe Non-Facebook community: 2 groups - The A Course in Miracles group ($500 value) and another group dedicated to the membership and the Live Gatherings programs ($500/year value).
  • Bonus #3: Daily miracles - daily ACIM inspirational quote + link to the full text sent to your inbox ($365/year value).
  • Each and every bonus I'll ever offer in any future launch of the Better Life Miracles Membership Club (Priceless!)
  • Founding members special: Keep this price for life(!) - even as the price goes up... and up... and up.

  • 30 60-day money-back guarantee for any reason.

🎁 Self Care Bundle 🎁 -

Only $41.5/month

For just $41.5/month billed annually, you get:

  • Everything in the Miracles Membership Club, and also...
  • 4 1-on-1 mentorship sessions with Eldad each year - For the price of 2!
  • Save $450/year - or much more when coaching session prices go up, as your price is guaranteed to stay the same.
  • Yes, that's only you and I. No group.
  • Each session is 1 hour. Not 45 minutes, not 50, not 55. A full hour.
  • Money-back guarantee: 60 days or until you book your first mentorship session, according to the earlier, for any reason. 
  • Keep this price for life(!) - even as the price of the membership and the coaching sessions goes up... and up... and up.
  • Limited seats available: You are guaranteed 4 sessions/year upon every renewal so I must limit the number of people who can take advantage of this offer.

You'll Have Support Every Step Of The Way when you join the Better Life Miracles Membership Club:

As soon as you join this membership club, you'll have guidance and support from our team and community in a safe and encouraging environment.

  • World-Class customer service - to answer any technical and administration questions via email, chat, and Facebook messenger.
  • Private, Safe Community of like-minded students and practitioners - to help you give and receive the support, friendship, and encouragement we all seek and need in our journey. You’re not alone!
  • And yes, Eldad is personally involved and active in the community as well!


The most common questions your fellow Better Life Miracles Membership Club members asked right before grabbing access to this membership club



Don’t see your question here?

Click on the chat icon in the bottom right corner of this page to speak with our customer support team.
We're here to help!


OMG! This is so awesome.

Where can I join?

It's so simple! 

 Choose your preferred option, and you're in!


🔥 Founding Members Special:

Only $49/monthYEAR!

That's only $4/month billed annually.
A cup of coffee a month...

  • New in-depth videos every month! 🔥
  • Your miracles-on-demand A Course in Miracles video library.
  • Heart-opening, soul-expanding meditations.
  • You'll be asked what YOU would want me to create the content about.
  • Dripped content to avoid overwhelm.
  • Downloadable slides. 
  • Downloadable mp3s (audio files) of all the videos and the meditations - enjoy them even when you have no internet connection. 
  • Free online version of the ACIM book to check and deep-dive into any quote I mention.
  • Access with ease and comfort from anywhere with our free mobile app. 
  • Bonus #1: Private safe Facebook community with daily posts ($250 value).
  • NEW! Bonus #2: Private safe Non-Facebook community: 2 groups - The A Course in Miracles group ($500 value) and another group dedicated to the membership and the Live Gatherings programs ($500/year value).
  • Bonus #3: Daily Miracles - daily ACIM inspirational quote + link to the full text sent to your inbox ($365/year value).
  • Each and every bonus I'll ever offer in any future launch of the Better Life Miracles Membership Club (Priceless!)
  • Founding members special: Keep this price for life(!) - even as the price goes up... and up... and up.

  • 30 60-day money-back guarantee for any reason.

🎁 Self Care Bundle 🎁 -

Only $41.5/month

For just $41.5/month billed annually, you get:

  • Everything in the Miracles Membership Club, and also...
  • 4 1-on-1 mentorship sessions with Eldad each year - For the price of 2!
  • Save $450/year - or much more when coaching session prices go up, as your price is guaranteed to stay the same.
  • Yes, that's only you and I. No group.
  • Each session is 1 hour. Not 45 minutes, not 50, not 55. A full hour.
  • Money-back guarantee: 60 days or until you book your first mentorship session, according to the earlier, for any reason. 
  • Keep this price for life(!) - even as the price of the membership and the coaching sessions goes up... and up... and up.
  • Limited seats available: You are guaranteed 4 sessions/year upon every renewal so I must limit the number of people who can take advantage of this offer.

Patricia Keeler, Somatic Coach
ACIM student of 20 years


"I've studied the Course in Miracles for over 20 years and have very rarely found students who have taken it all the way home.
But Eldad is there."

Yes, I want to join the membership club, please.
Just $4/Month + protection from price going up!

Meet your instructor & coach,
Eldad Ben-Moshe

“Ok, Eldad, this looks very relevant for me, and it’s convincing… but who are you?”

While I’m not into singing my praise, I do understand that you might want information about me to help you decide whether to join or not. Many people need that sometimes.

So here are a few facts about me that might help you decide:

I'm the founder of the Better Life Awareness Center, where I coach and teach.

Born in 1976, I've been a certified Enneagram coach since 2009 (and a former successful self-employed lawyer.)

Thrown by chance into the deep water of managing multi-million dollars, life-saving, extremely urgent projects at the young age of 19, and excelling at that, was a massive milestone in my development. 

With time, I also learned to manage another kind of 'project', and how to help others do the same:
The 'project' of having a happy, healthy life that is truly worth living.

As a former world traveler, wherever I lived, whatever I did, I saw that real happiness (& suffering) are not a result of life's circumstances and external forces. Yes, they have an effect. No, we can't control them, and no, I'm not at all into 'manifestation' as means for happiness (don't get me started on that! 🤣).

Spiritual as I am, my path is a very grounded one. It involves extreme ownership & responsibility, hard work, and integrity. And a lot of fun, curiosity, and love too.


In 2003 my life took a turn as I started studying the causes of our suffering and happiness through profound teachings on both the spiritual causes and the psychological ones.

I've been practicing transformational psychological & spiritual teachings from the East and the West daily ever since.

I've been studying, practicing, and living A Course in Miracle's teachings and exercises since 2005 - every single day.

As a coach,
I use my vast experience to combine these powerful psychological and spiritual approaches in a unique way tailored individually to your inclinations.

I've been helping my clients achieve a happier, better life, as the many loving, grateful testimonials demonstrate better than any word I could write.

As a teacher, one of my super-powers is bringing clarity and structure into chaos - for example, by breaking down big, hard-to-grasp content such as the Enneagram's teachings into small, clear, actionable steps.

In other words, I make things easy to understand - and take action on.

I'm an expert in using extremely transformational methods such as the Enneagram, A Course In Miracles, Mindfulness, Meditation, and my own B-AIR™ system. 

I was also a teaching assistant in Enneagram coaching certification courses when I lived in Israel.

I taught mindfulness, meditation, Enneagram, Course in Miracles, and yoga classes in Mexico, Israel, the United States, and Brazil - and even at the jail (volunteering, I wasn't an inmate! 🤣).

I'm also a loving father to my boy Matan, which in Hebrew means 'giving.'

My ultimate mission in life: To become the most loving being I can be, the cleanest channel for love - and help you do the same.




Take advantage of our special promo period before the price goes up.


Join this membership club and the Better Life Awareness Center community and take your spiritual and psychological awakening to a whole new level.

And with our 100% money-back guarantee?
You simply can’t lose.


How do you want your miracles?



🔥 Founding Members Special:

Only $49/monthYEAR!

That's only $4/month billed annually.
A cup of coffee a month...

  • New in-depth videos every month! 🔥
  • Your miracles-on-demand A Course in Miracles video library.
  • Heart-opening, soul-expanding meditations.
  • You'll be asked what YOU would want me to create the content about.
  • Dripped content to avoid overwhelm.
  • Downloadable slides. 
  • Downloadable mp3s (audio files) of all the videos and the meditations - enjoy them even when you have no internet connection. 
  • Free online version of the ACIM book to check and deep-dive into any quote I mention.
  • Access with ease and comfort from anywhere with our free mobile app. 
  • Bonus #1: Private safe Facebook community with daily posts ($250 value).
  • NEW! Bonus #2: Private safe Non-Facebook community: 2 groups - The A Course in Miracles group ($500 value) and another group dedicated to the membership and the Live Gatherings programs ($500/year value).
  • Bonus #3: Daily Miracles - daily ACIM inspirational quote + link to the full text sent to your inbox ($365/year value).
  • Each and every bonus I'll ever offer in any future launch of the Better Life Miracles Membership Club (Priceless!)
  • Founding members special: Keep this price for life(!) - even as the price goes up... and up... and up.

  • 30 60-day money-back guarantee for any reason.

🎁 Self Care Bundle 🎁 -

Only $41.5/month

For just $41.5/month billed annually, you get:

  • Everything in the Miracles Membership Club, and also...
  • 4 1-on-1 mentorship sessions with Eldad each year - For the price of 2!
  • Save $450/year - or much more when coaching session prices go up, as your price is guaranteed to stay the same.
  • Yes, that's only you and I. No group.
  • Each session is 1 hour. Not 45 minutes, not 50, not 55. A full hour.
  • Money-back guarantee: 60 days or until you book your first mentorship session, according to the earlier, for any reason. 
  • Keep this price for life(!) - even as the price of the membership and the coaching sessions goes up... and up... and up.
  • Limited seats available: You are guaranteed 4 sessions/year upon every renewal so I must limit the number of people who can take advantage of this offer.