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The Better Life Awareness Blog

Tips, practices, and teachings for living a happier, more awakened life.
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Stressed? Worried? Can’t sleep? People are calling these 4 simple steps “a mind saver in all situations!” b-air better life better life tips coaching meditation questions answered stress Apr 28, 2020

 (By Eldad Ben-Moshe Reading Time: 4 minutes)

Loved ones

Do you sometimes get so worried that you can’t even sleep?

A new coaching client of mine shared how now that his business of many years is completely closed, he can’t sleep well.

He had a business in the tourism industry...

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Meditation Q&A - Free meditation training: How to meditate? better life better life tips happiness meditation mindfulness questions answered spiritual stress suffering videos Apr 23, 2020

(By Eldad Ben-Moshe Reading Time: 1 Minute)

Hey there Better Lifers!

Following our FREE MEDITATION TRAINING on how to meditate (click here to join),
we received great reviews and some questions from people who wanted to deepen their practice and understanding of how to meditate.

Join us for...

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The 4 critical things you must do to have peace, happiness, health, and clarity in times of global crisis, stress and uncertainty awareness better life better life tips happiness meditation mindfulness stress suffering Apr 01, 2020

(By Eldad Ben-Moshe Reading Time: 7 minutes)

Loved ones

While everyone is aware of the many problems the corona crisis is causing, it’s essential to pay attention to the gifts of the corona crisis as well.

One gift is that scary, stressful times such as these bring out the...

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Corona Stress special: 7 tips & 5 resources for overcoming your Corona Stress in a mindful, healthy way awareness b-air better life tips mindfulness stress Mar 18, 2020

(By Eldad Ben-Moshe Reading Time: 6 minutes)

So how are you these days, my friend?

As the corona crisis keeps evolving, almost everyone is taking a direct hit.
Health, work, social life, you name it - everything gets impacted,
even though only an incredibly tiny fraction of the population...

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