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The Enneagram Blueprint Mastery™ online course

Let's Recap - Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

  • The Enneagram Blueprint Mastery for Professionals™ online course - $983 Value
  • Bonus #1 - Full training: "The Enneagram as a transformational, complex, dynamic modality" - $290 value
  • Bonus #2 - Full training: "Introduction to advanced topics" - $290 value
  •  Bonus #3 - Our private, safe, exclusive Facebook community  - $250 value
  • Bonus #4 - The Better Life Community - Our non-Facebook, off-social-media community - $500 value
  • Bonus #5 - Each and every bonus I'll ever offer in any future launch of The Enneagram Blueprint Mastery for Professionals course - That's AT LEAST hundreds of dollars in value that will be included for free
  • Bonus #6 - 100% satisfaction platinum 30 days guarantee - Priceless
  • Bonus #7 - Free mobile app - Priceless
  • Bonus #8 - Lifetime Access + free lifetime updates! - Priceless
  • Bonus #9 - 9 Cheat Sheets - My personal summary of the entire course! - $597 Value

Total Value: $2,910

(+ hundreds of $ in future bonuses + 3 priceless items)

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just  4x$110 4x$54!



What People Are Saying:

Eldad has a deep understanding of the human nature.

Osnat Yadgar, Founder - The Israeli Enneagram Center

Eldad was able to help me type myself. Once I discovered I was most definitely a type 4 a lot opened up for me! I was able to see myself not as a failure or broken, but instead see that I was either in a healthy or unhealthy state. I also learned that some of my patterns were very normal for type 4's and that helped me neutralize negative beliefs around that.

Mallory McClelland

In just a few short weeks of working with Eldad I felt like an entirely different person.

Natalie Pinnell, Founder - Vida Virtual Support

I was able to discover deep insights about my Enneagram type, my subconscious programming, and my ego. I walked away with many tools in my toolkit of truly understanding how I operate in the world and how I can I be less reactive and more empathic.

Miriam Kanani

Eldad is a compassionate guide. His analysis of the Enneagram helped me understand myself and my husband more than years of therapy.

Jen Myzel Swanson